Telescope orgakjklsjd sjadfjaslsadfklsdj
A telescope is an optical instrument that uses lenses or mirrors and other optical devices to observe distant objects. It uses the light refracted through the lens or reflected by the concave mirror to make it into a small hole and converge to image, and then through a magnifying eyepiece and be seen, also known as the "thousand mile mirror". The first function of a telescope is to magnify the Angle of distant objects so that the human eye can see details at smaller angular distances. The second function of the telescope is to beam light collected by the objective lens, much thicker than the diameter of the pupil (up to 8mm), into the human eye, allowing the observer to see faint objects that would otherwise be invisible. In 1608, Hans Liebosch, a Dutch optician, accidentally discovered that he could see distant objects with two lenses, and was inspired to build the first telescope in human history. In 1609, Galileo Galilei,...